
  • phone: the Wuppertal area code is 202; add the university prefix 439
  • email: add ""
  • offices: the offices are located in building G, level 15 and level 16.
email phone office
Prof. Dr. Jens Hornbostel hornbostel2672G.15.12
Prof. Dr. Matthias Wendt wendt2528G.15.13
Dr. Jens Eberhardt eberhardt 3771 G.15.16 (temporarily in Bonn)
Dr. Vincent Gajda gajda 3478 G.15.16
Jule Hänel, M.Sc. haenel 2675 G.15.05
Andrea Lachmann, M.Sc. lachmann 3478 G.16.06
Dr. Tommy Lundemo lundemo 3771 G.15.16
Dr. Doosung Park park 3781 G.15.09
Ashar Tafhim, M.Sc. tafhim 3478 G.16.06
Alexander Ziegler, M.Sc. ziegler 3478 G.16.06
Gabriele BirkenfeldBirkenfeld3553G.15.24