Vladimir Kanovei and Michael Reeken

Nonstandard Analysis: Axiomatically

Published in2004 by Springer Verlag in the series Monographs in Mathematics

The AMS has published recently a very detailed and thoughtful book review(PDF also available as dvi) by Pavol Zlatos.

Table of content


Basic notation

Chapter 1  Getting started

Chapter 2  Elementary nonstandard real analysis in the nonstandard universe

Chapter 3  Theories of internal sets

Chapter 4  Metamathematics of internal theories

Chapter 5  Definable external sets and metamathematics of HST

Chapter 6  Partially saturated universes and the Power Set problem

Chapter 7  Forcing extensions of the nonstandard universe

Chapter 8  Other nonstandard theories

Chapter 9  ``Hyperfinite'' descriptive set theory



Preface (html)
Preface (pdf)

Addendum 1


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