Seminar Algebra und Zahlentheorie

Deligne-Lusztig varieties and representations of finite groups of Lie type

The Oberseminar in WS21/22 is on Deligne-Lusztig varieties and representations of finite groups of Lie type.

The seminar takes place on Wednesdays 10:15 - 11:45 in room G.14.34.

Talk Day Speaker
1. Introduction and discussion 20.10.21 Britta/Sascha
2. Algebraic groups I 27.10.21 Gabriel
3. Algebraic groups II 03.11.21 Fei
4. BN-pairs 10.11.21 Christoph
5. Frobenius endomorphisms 17.11.21 Mattia
6. Deligne-Lusztig varieties I 24.11.21 Georg
7. Deligne-Lusztig varieties II. The notes of Raju's talk. 01.12.21 Raju
8. Picard groups and Chow groups of DL varieties 11.01.22 (14:15-15:45 in G.13.18) Sacha
9. (Quasi-)Affiness of DL varieties. The notes of Kay's talk. 18.01.22 (14:15-15:45 in G.13.18) Kay
10. Unipotent characters of \(G^F\) 05.01.22 Dennis
11. Lusztig families \(\mathscr{E}(G^F,s)\) and the dual group. The notes of Julian's talk. 12.01.22 Julian
12. Jordan decomposition of characters. The notes of Marc's talk. 19.01.22 Marc
13. Harish Chandra theory 26.02.22 Sonia
14. d-Harish Chandra theory 02.02.22 Britta
15. Asai's Result 09.02.22 Yingying