Universität Wuppertal
Fachbereich Mathematik und
Angewandte Mathematik - Stochastik
Alle Vorträge im Wintersemester 2011/2012
Überblick der Prognose, Hedging und Planung - Praktikum in der Abteilung Energywirtschaft & Erzeugung bei der WSW Wasser & Energy AG
Dozent: Masterstudent C. C.
Datum: 28.09.2011
Zeit: 12:15 Uhr
Raum: G 15.25
Ort: Bergische Universität WuppertalDer Vortrag wurde in Vereinbarung zwischen der Arbeitsgruppe Stochastik und den Stadwerken Wuppertal organisiert, um insbesondere auch Studierenden einen Einblick in die Praxis zu geben Überblick der Prognose, Hedging und Planung.pdf
Noncommutative Geometry and Quantum Field Theory
Dozent: Dipl.Phys A. S.
Datum: 28.09.2011
Zeit: 14:15
Raum: G 15.25
Ort: Bergische Universität WuppertalAbstract:
After introducing some basic concepts of noncommutative geometry (NCG), mostly using a deformation quantization setting, I will present my work on (scalar) quantum field theory (QFT) on NC curved spacetimes. I show that the algebraic approach to QFT can be extended to large classes of deformed manifolds, resulting in algebras of field observables depending explicitly on the deformation parameter (interpreted as Planck length). For special examples I obtain that the deformation converges, yielding an algebra of field observables which is structurally different to the one of a QFT on commutative spacetimes. In particular, the deformed QFT enjoys an improved behavior at short distances, i.e. in the ultraviolet. I will finish with presenting some recent results on the deformation quantization of connections and homomorphisms on NC vector bundles (i.e. projective modules), setting the kinematical stage for investigating higher spin, gauge and gravity theories in NC geometry.PhD Normal Inverse Gaussian Process for Commodities Modeling- and Risk-Management
Dozent: M.Sc. B. H.
Datum: 06.2011
Zeit: 14:15
Raum: G 15.25
Ort: Bergische Universität Wuppertal
PhD Seminar: Normal Inverse Gaussian Process for Commodities Modeling- and Risk-Management.pdf