Universität Wuppertal
Fachbereich Mathematik und
Angewandte Mathematik - Stochastik

Oberseminar Stochastik
Prof. Dr. H. Gottschalk
Prof. Dr. Barbara Rüdiger-Mastandrea
Beginn: 17.04.2014
Do. 16:00 - 18:00, Raum: MI.13.05 / wöchentlich
Ende: 17.07.2014
Performance Statistics of Optimization Algrorithms in Arbitrary Dimension (already done)
Dozent:V. S.:
Datum: 17.04.2014
The Competitive Bass Model and Stochastic Milestone Models - A Model for Technology Valutation
Dozent:Hanno Gottschalk
Datum: 24.04.2014
Ito's formula for (strong solutions) Banach space valued Jump processes driven by Poisson Random measure.
Dozent:Barun Sarkar
Datum: 08.05.2014
Regularity Theory for Elliptic PDE and Functional Analytic Foundadtion of Optimal Reliabiliy
Dozent:L. B.
Datum: 15.05.2014
An Introduction to Stochastic Control Theory
Dozent:J. K.
Datum: 22.05.2014
Web Analytics bei Yello Strom
Dozent: A. S.
Datum: 05.06.2014 16:00
A Viscosity Solution Approach to Path-dependent PDEs in Hilbert Spaces
Dozent:M. R.
Datum: 05.06.2014 17:00
Dozent:Y. K.
Datum: 19.06.2014
Volatility Estimation and Numerical Stability of some Models with Stochastic Volatility
Dozent:F. B.:
Datum: 26.06.14
The Adjoint Equation for Failure Probabilities
Dozent: M. S.:
Datum: 03.07.14
Non parametric estimation of low frequency levy data
Dozent: N. M.:
Datum: 10.07.14
A multi criteria EGO algorithm
Dozent: L. L. :
Datum: 17.07.14