Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Forschungsschwerpunkt CAVN, Universität Karlsruhe
Wissenschaftliches Rechnen/Softwaretechnologie, Universität GH Wuppertal
A C++ Class Library for Extended Scientific Computing
C-XSC is a tool for the development of numerical algorithms
delivering highly accurate and automatically verified results.
It provides a large number of predefined numerical data types and
operators. These types are implemented as C++ classes.
Thus, C-XSC allows high-level programming of numerical
applications in C and C++.
The C-XSC package is available for many computers with a C++
compiler translating the AT&T language standard 2.0.
Springer-Verlag has published a
language description of C-XSC.
A short description of C-XSC (20 pages)
is available here (Postscript gnu-zipped).