C-XSC - A C++ Class Library for Extended Scientific Computing  2.5.4
Evaluation of Polynomials


On this page, we consider the evaluation of a polynomial function of a single variable. We usually compute the value of an arithmetic function by replacing each arithmetic operation by its corresponding floating-point machine operation. Roundoff errors and cancellations sometimes cause the calculated result to be drastically wrong. For similar reasons, a naive interval evaluation of a polynomial may lead to intervals so large as to be practically useless. Roundoff and cancellation errors are especially dangerous if we are evaluating a function close to a root, as we will see when we compute verified enclosures of zeroes of polynomials.

We present an algorithm to evaluate a real polynomial $ p : R \to R $ defined as

\[ p(t) = \sum \limits_{i=0}^n p_i t^i \;,\; p_i , t \in R \;,\; i = 0 , ... , n \;,\; p_n \not= 0 \]

We assume the coefficients $ p_i $ to be representable in the floating-point number system of the host computer. The algorithm achieves maximum accuracy, even in the neighborhood of a root where cancellation dooms an ordinary floating-point evaluation.

Algorithmic Description

We present the algorithm RPolyEval for the evaluation of a real polynomial $ p(t) = \sum \limits_{i=0}^n p_i t^i $ with maximum accuracy. Except for the special cases $ n = 0 $ and $ n = 1 $, which can be calculated directly, an iterative solution method is used. We first compute a floating-point approximation of $ p(t) $. We then carry out a residual iteration by solving a linear system of equations. The new solution interval determined in the next step is checked for being of maximum accuracy, i.e. for being exact to one unit in the last place of the mantissa (1 ulp).

The RPolyEval Algorithm

Implementation and Examples

We list the C++ program code for the evaluation of a real polynomial with maximum accuracy. Interval variables are named with double characters, e.g. $ rr[i] $ denotes the interval $ [r]_i $.

Module rpoly

The header file of module rpoly supplies the definition of the class RPolynomial representing a real polynomial $ p(t) = \sum \limits_{i=0}^n p_i t^i \;,\; p_i , t \in R $. Since arithmetic operations for real polynomials are not required by the algorithm, they are not provided by module rpoly.

00001 /*
00002 **  CXSC is a C++ library for eXtended Scientific Computing (V 2.5.4)
00003 **
00004 **  Copyright (C) 1990-2000 Institut fuer Angewandte Mathematik,
00005 **                          Universitaet Karlsruhe, Germany
00006 **            (C) 2000-2014 Wiss. Rechnen/Softwaretechnologie
00007 **                          Universitaet Wuppertal, Germany   
00008 **
00009 **  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00010 **  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
00011 **  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00012 **  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00013 **
00014 **  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00015 **  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00017 **  Library General Public License for more details.
00018 **
00019 **  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
00020 **  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
00021 **  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
00022 */
00024 /* CVS $Id: rpoly.hpp,v 1.15 2014/01/30 17:49:27 cxsc Exp $ */
00026 //============================================================================
00027 //
00028 //                              Program/Module
00029 //                                   from
00030 //                 C++ TOOLBOX FOR VERIFIED COMPUTING I
00031 //                         Basic Numerical Problems
00032 //
00033 //      Copyright (c) 1995   Rolf Hammer, Matthias Hocks, Dietmar Ratz
00034 //
00035 // For details on theory, algorithms, and programs, see the book
00036 //
00037 //  R. Hammer, M. Hocks, U. Kulisch, D. Ratz:  C++ Toolbox for
00038 //  Verified Computing I - Basic Numerical Problems. Springer-Verlag,
00039 //  Heidelberg, New York, 1995.
00040 //
00041 //============================================================================
00042 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00043 // File: rpoly (header)
00044 // Purpose: Definition of the class for the representation of a real
00045 //    polynomial by its coefficients.
00046 // Class RPolynomial:
00047 //    Deg()        : to get the degree of the polynomial
00048 //    RPolynomial(): constructors
00049 //    operator []  : component access
00050 //    operator >>  : input operator for data of type RPolynomial
00051 //    operator <<  : output operator for data of type RPolynomial
00052 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00053 #ifndef __RPOLY_HPP
00054 #define __RPOLY_HPP
00056 #include <rvector.hpp>     // Real vector arithmetic
00058 using namespace cxsc;
00059 using namespace std;
00061 class RPolynomial {
00062   private:
00063     rvector coeff;
00064   public:
00065     RPolynomial ( int );
00066     RPolynomial ( const RPolynomial& );
00067     real& operator[] ( int i ) { return coeff[i]; }
00069     friend int Deg ( const RPolynomial& );
00070     friend istream& operator>> ( istream&, RPolynomial& );
00071     friend ostream& operator<< ( ostream&, RPolynomial );
00072 };
00074 int Deg ( const RPolynomial& );
00075 istream& operator>> ( istream&, RPolynomial& );
00076 ostream& operator<< ( ostream&, RPolynomial );
00077 #endif

The input operator >> echos the indices on the standard output device to give an information on the index of the coefficient actually to be entered.

00001 /*
00002 **  CXSC is a C++ library for eXtended Scientific Computing (V 2.5.4)
00003 **
00004 **  Copyright (C) 1990-2000 Institut fuer Angewandte Mathematik,
00005 **                          Universitaet Karlsruhe, Germany
00006 **            (C) 2000-2014 Wiss. Rechnen/Softwaretechnologie
00007 **                          Universitaet Wuppertal, Germany   
00008 **
00009 **  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00010 **  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
00011 **  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00012 **  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00013 **
00014 **  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00015 **  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00017 **  Library General Public License for more details.
00018 **
00019 **  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
00020 **  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
00021 **  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
00022 */
00024 /* CVS $Id: rpoly.cpp,v 1.15 2014/01/30 17:49:27 cxsc Exp $ */
00026 //============================================================================
00027 //
00028 //                              Program/Module
00029 //                                   from
00030 //                 C++ TOOLBOX FOR VERIFIED COMPUTING I
00031 //                         Basic Numerical Problems
00032 //
00033 //      Copyright (c) 1995   Rolf Hammer, Matthias Hocks, Dietmar Ratz
00034 //
00035 // For details on theory, algorithms, and programs, see the book
00036 //
00037 //  R. Hammer, M. Hocks, U. Kulisch, D. Ratz:  C++ Toolbox for
00038 //  Verified Computing I - Basic Numerical Problems. Springer-Verlag,
00039 //  Heidelberg, New York, 1995.
00040 //
00041 //============================================================================
00042 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00043 // File: rpoly (implementation)
00044 // Purpose: Definition of the class for the representation of a real
00045 //    polynomial by its coefficients.
00046 // Class RPolynomial:
00047 //    Deg()        : to get the degree of the polynomial
00048 //    RPolynomial(): constructors
00049 //    operator []  : component access
00050 //    operator >>  : input operator for data of type RPolynomial
00051 //    operator <<  : output operator for data of type RPolynomial
00052 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00053 #include <rpoly.hpp>
00055 using namespace cxsc;
00056 using namespace std;
00058 int Deg ( const RPolynomial& p ) { return Ub(p.coeff); }
00060 RPolynomial::RPolynomial( int n )
00061 {
00062   Resize(coeff,0,n);
00063   coeff = 0.0;
00064 }
00066 RPolynomial::RPolynomial( const RPolynomial& p )
00067 {
00068   Resize(coeff,0,Deg(p));
00069   coeff = p.coeff;
00070 }
00072 istream& operator>> ( istream& in, RPolynomial& p )
00073 {
00074   cout << "  x^0 * ";  in >> p[0];
00075   for (int i = 1; i <= Deg(p); i++)
00076     { cout << "+ x^" << i << " * ";  in >> p[i]; }
00077   return in;
00078 }
00080 ostream& operator<< ( ostream& out, RPolynomial p )
00081 {
00082   int PolyIsZero, n = Deg(p);
00084   PolyIsZero = 1;
00085   for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
00086     if (p[i] == 0.0) continue;
00087     if (PolyIsZero)
00088       out << "  ";
00089     else
00090       out << "+ ";
00091     out << p[i] << " * x^" << i << endl;
00092     PolyIsZero = 0;
00093   }
00094   if (PolyIsZero) out << "  0 (= zero polynomial)" << endl;
00095   return out;
00096 }

Module rpeval

The header file of module rpeval supplies the interface of the function RPolyEval(), for evaluating a real polynomial with maximum accuracy and the interface of the function RPolyEvalErrMsg() which can be used to get an error message for the error code returned by RPolyEval().

00001 /*
00002 **  CXSC is a C++ library for eXtended Scientific Computing (V 2.5.4)
00003 **
00004 **  Copyright (C) 1990-2000 Institut fuer Angewandte Mathematik,
00005 **                          Universitaet Karlsruhe, Germany
00006 **            (C) 2000-2014 Wiss. Rechnen/Softwaretechnologie
00007 **                          Universitaet Wuppertal, Germany   
00008 **
00009 **  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00010 **  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
00011 **  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00012 **  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00013 **
00014 **  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00015 **  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00017 **  Library General Public License for more details.
00018 **
00019 **  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
00020 **  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
00021 **  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
00022 */
00024 /* CVS $Id: rpeval.hpp,v 1.14 2014/01/30 17:49:27 cxsc Exp $ */
00026 //============================================================================
00027 //
00028 //                              Program/Module
00029 //                                   from
00030 //                 C++ TOOLBOX FOR VERIFIED COMPUTING I
00031 //                         Basic Numerical Problems
00032 //
00033 //      Copyright (c) 1995   Rolf Hammer, Matthias Hocks, Dietmar Ratz
00034 //
00035 // For details on theory, algorithms, and programs, see the book
00036 //
00037 //  R. Hammer, M. Hocks, U. Kulisch, D. Ratz:  C++ Toolbox for
00038 //  Verified Computing I - Basic Numerical Problems. Springer-Verlag,
00039 //  Heidelberg, New York, 1995.
00040 //
00041 //============================================================================
00042 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00043 // File: rpeval (header)
00044 // Purpose: Evaluation of a real polynomial p with maximum accuracy.
00045 // Global functions:
00046 //    RPolyEval()      : computes an enclosure for the exact value p(t) with
00047 //                       maximum accuracy
00048 //    RPolyEvalErrMsg(): delivers an error message text
00049 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00050 #ifndef __RPEVAL_HPP
00051 #define __RPEVAL_HPP
00053 #include <interval.hpp>     // Interval arithmetic
00054 #include <rpoly.hpp>        // Real polynomial type
00056 using namespace cxsc;
00057 using namespace std;
00059 extern char* RPolyEvalErrMsg ( int );
00060 extern void  RPolyEval ( RPolynomial, real, real&, interval&, int&, int& );
00061 #endif

The function RPolyEval() is an implementation of the algorithm. It computes an approximation and an enclosure of the value of the real polynomial $ p(t) = \sum \limits_{i=0}^n p_i t^i $ with $ p_i \in R $ at a point $ t \in R $.

00001 /*
00002 **  CXSC is a C++ library for eXtended Scientific Computing (V 2.5.4)
00003 **
00004 **  Copyright (C) 1990-2000 Institut fuer Angewandte Mathematik,
00005 **                          Universitaet Karlsruhe, Germany
00006 **            (C) 2000-2014 Wiss. Rechnen/Softwaretechnologie
00007 **                          Universitaet Wuppertal, Germany   
00008 **
00009 **  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00010 **  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
00011 **  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00012 **  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00013 **
00014 **  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00015 **  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00017 **  Library General Public License for more details.
00018 **
00019 **  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
00020 **  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
00021 **  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
00022 */
00024 /* CVS $Id: rpeval.cpp,v 1.14 2014/01/30 17:49:27 cxsc Exp $ */
00026 //============================================================================
00027 //
00028 //                              Program/Module
00029 //                                   from
00030 //                 C++ TOOLBOX FOR VERIFIED COMPUTING I
00031 //                         Basic Numerical Problems
00032 //
00033 //      Copyright (c) 1995   Rolf Hammer, Matthias Hocks, Dietmar Ratz
00034 //
00035 // For details on theory, algorithms, and programs, see the book
00036 //
00037 //  R. Hammer, M. Hocks, U. Kulisch, D. Ratz:  C++ Toolbox for
00038 //  Verified Computing I - Basic Numerical Problems. Springer-Verlag,
00039 //  Heidelberg, New York, 1995.
00040 //
00041 //============================================================================
00042 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00043 // File: rpeval (implementation)
00044 // Purpose: Evaluation of a real polynomial p with maximum accuracy.
00045 // Method: Transformation of Horner's scheme for evaluating p(t) to a linear
00046 //    system of equations A(t)*x = p, where A(t) is a bidiagonal, Toeplitz
00047 //    matrix and x = (x_n,...,x_0). By iterative refinement the floating-
00048 //    point approximation is improved and the exact solution x is enclosed in
00049 //    an interval vector [x].
00050 // Global functions:
00051 //    RPolyEval()      : computes an enclosure for the exact value p(t) with
00052 //                       maximum accuracy
00053 //    RPolyEvalErrMsg(): delivers an error message text
00054 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00055 #include <string.h>         // String handling
00056 #include <imatrix.hpp>      // Interval matrix/vector arithmetic
00057 #include <mvi_util.hpp>     // Interval matrix/vector utility functions
00058 #include <rpeval.hpp>
00060 using namespace cxsc;
00061 using namespace std;
00063 const int kmax = 10;        // Maximum number of iteration steps
00065 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00066 // Error codes used in this module. In the comments below p[0],..., p[n] are
00067 // the coefficients of a polynomial p.
00068 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00069 const int
00070   NoError  = 0,    // No error occurred
00071   ItFailed = 1;    // Maximum number of iterations exceeded
00073 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00074 // Error messages depending on the error code.
00075 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00076 char* RPolyEvalErrMsg ( int Err )
00077 {
00078   static char Msg[80] = "";
00080   if (Err != NoError) {
00081     char Hlp[60];
00083     if (Err == ItFailed)
00084       sprintf(Hlp,"Maximum number of iterations (=%d) exceeded",kmax);
00085     else
00086       strcpy(Hlp,"Code not defined");
00087     sprintf(Msg,"Error: %s!",Hlp);
00088   }
00089   return(Msg);
00090 }
00092 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00093 // Purpose: Determination of p(t) (a polynomial p with argument t) with
00094 //    maximum accuracy.
00095 // Parameters:
00096 //    In : 'p'  : represents a real polynomial by its coefficients
00097 //         't'  : specifies the point of evaluation
00098 //    Out: 'z'  : floating-point approximation computed by Horner's scheme
00099 //         'zz' : enclosure of p(t)
00100 //         'k'  : number of iterations needed
00101 //         'Err': error flag
00102 // Description: The polynomial 'p' is defined by its coefficients and, 't'
00103 //    denotes the evaluation point. Horner's scheme for evaluating p is equi-
00104 //    valent to computing the solution of a linear system of equations
00105 //    A(t)*x = p, where A(t) is a bidiagonal, Toeplitz matrix and
00106 //    x =(x_n,...,x_0). The component x_0 of x is equal to p(t). The solution
00107 //    x is enclosed in an interval vector [x] by iterative refinement. The
00108 //    first element of [x] is an enclosure of p(t). It is returned in the
00109 //    variable 'zz'. A floating-point approximation computed by Horner's
00110 //    scheme is returned in 'z'. The number of iterations is returned in 'k'
00111 //    and the state of success is returned in 'Err'.
00112 // Remark: The polynomial's coefficients and the argument are assumed to be
00113 //    exact floating-point numbers!
00114 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00115 void RPolyEval ( RPolynomial p,  real t, real& z,
00116                  interval&   zz, int& k, int&  Err )
00117 {
00118   int           i, j, n = Deg(p);            // The j-th column of the matrix
00119   ivector       rr(0,n), yy(0,n);            // 'y' is used to store the j-th
00120   rvector       x(0,n);                      // correction for the solution of
00121   rmatrix       y(0,n,0,kmax);               // A(t)*y = p.
00122   dotprecision  Accu;                        //-------------------------------
00123   idotprecision IAccu;
00125   k = 0;                                     // Initialization
00126   Err = NoError;                             //---------------
00128   if (n == 0)                                // Constant polynomial
00129     { z = p[0]; zz = p[0]; }                 //--------------------
00131   else if (n == 1) {                         // Linear polynomial
00132     Accu = p[0];                             //------------------
00133     accumulate(Accu,t,p[1]);
00134     rnd(Accu,z);
00135     rnd(Accu,zz);
00136   }
00137   else { // n > 1
00138     x = 0.0; y = 0.0;                       // Initialization x = 0 and y = 0
00139                                             //--------------------------------
00141     x[n] = p[n];                            // Computation of a first approxi-
00142     for (i = n-1; i >= 0; i--)              // mation using Horner's scheme
00143       x[i] = x[i+1]*t + p[i];               //--------------------------------
00144     z = x[0];
00146     y[Col(0)] = x;                          // Iterative refinement for the
00147     do {                                    // solution of A*x = p
00148                                             //--------------------------------
00149       if (k > 0)                    // If a residual was computed, its middle
00150         y[Col(k)] = mid(yy);        // is stored as the next correction of 'y'
00152       yy[n] = 0.0;                          // Computation of the residual [r]
00153       for (i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) {          // and evaluation of the interval
00154         Accu = p[i];                        // system A*[y] = [r]
00155         for(j = 0; j <= k; j++) Accu -= y[i][j];
00156         for(j = 0; j <= k; j++) accumulate(Accu,t,y[i+1][j]);
00157         rnd(Accu,rr[i]);
00158         yy[i] = yy[i+1]*t + rr[i];
00159       }
00161       IAccu = yy[0];                                 // Determination of a new
00162       for (j = 0; j <= k; j++) IAccu += y[0][j];     // enclosure [z] of p(t)
00163       rnd(IAccu,zz);
00165       k++;
00166     } while ( !(UlpAcc(zz,1) || (k > kmax)) );
00168     if ( !UlpAcc(zz,1) ) Err = ItFailed;
00169   }
00170 }


We consider the polynomial $ p(t) = t^4 - 8t^3 + 24t^2 - 32t + 16 $ to be evaluated in the neighborhood of the real value $ t=2.0001 $ and the polynomial $ q(t) = -t^3 + 3t^2 - 3t + 1 $ to be evaluated in the neighborhood of the real value $ t = 1.000005 $. To make sure that the arguments are representable on the computer, we use the machine numbers $ t = (2.0001) $ and $ t = (1.000005) $, respectively.

Polynomial p(t) in interval [1.9995 , 2.0005]
Polynomial q(t) in interval [0.99999 , 1.00001]

To illustrate the difficulties that may occur with the calculation of a polynomial value when using floating-point arithmetic, these two polynomials have been evaluated in floating-point arithmetic for 100 values in the neighborhood of their roots. The corresponding plots are given in the above two figures. These two examples are solved reliably using the following sample program to call RPolyEval().

00001 //============================================================================
00002 //
00003 //                              Program/Module
00004 //                                   from
00005 //                 C++ TOOLBOX FOR VERIFIED COMPUTING I
00006 //                         Basic Numerical Problems
00007 //
00008 //      Copyright (c) 1995   Rolf Hammer, Matthias Hocks, Dietmar Ratz
00009 //
00010 // For details on theory, algorithms, and programs, see the book
00011 //
00012 //  R. Hammer, M. Hocks, U. Kulisch, D. Ratz:  C++ Toolbox for
00013 //  Verified Computing I - Basic Numerical Problems. Springer-Verlag,
00014 //  Heidelberg, New York, 1995.
00015 //
00016 //============================================================================
00017 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00018 // Example: Evaluation of a real polynomial with maximum accuracy
00019 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00020 #include <rpeval.hpp>     // Polynomial evaluation
00023 using namespace cxsc;
00024 using namespace std;
00027 int main ( )
00028 {
00029   int      Err, No, n;
00030   real     t, y;
00031   interval yy;
00033   do {
00034     cout << "Enter the degree of the polynomial (>=0): ";
00035     cin  >> n; cout << endl;
00036   } while (n < 0);
00038   RPolynomial p(n);
00040   cout << SetPrecision(23,15) << Scientific;   // Output format
00042   cout << "Enter the coefficients of p in increasing order:" << endl;
00043   cin  >> p; cout << endl;
00044   cout << "Enter the argument t for evaluation:" << endl;
00045   cin  >> t; cout << endl;
00047   RPolyEval(p,t,y,yy,No,Err);
00049   if (!Err) {
00050     cout << "Polynomial:" << endl << p <<endl;
00051     cout << "Floating-point evaluation of p(t) using Horner's scheme:"
00052          << endl << " " << y << endl << endl;
00053     cout << "Verified inclusion of p(t):"
00054          << endl << yy << endl << endl;
00055     cout << "Number of iterations needed: " << No << endl;
00056   }
00057   else
00058     cout << RPolyEvalErrMsg(Err) << endl;
00060   return 0;
00061 }

Our implementation of the algorithm produces the output listed below. In both cases the floating-point approximation, naively using Horner's nested multiplication form, does not lie within the verified enclosure of $ p(t) $ and $ q(t)$. An even worse side effect of rounding errors occuring during the evaluation using Horner's scheme is that the standard algorithm returns not only wrong digits but also an incorrect sign for the values of $ p( 2.0001) $ and $ q( 1.000005) $. To avoid an incorrect interpretation of the resulting interval, we stress that this interval is numerically proved to be an enclosure of the exact value of the given polynomials for the machine numbers $ t = (2.0001) $ and $ t = (1.000005) $.