Forschungsseminar Algebra und Zahlentheorie SoSe 24

\(E_\infty\)-algebras (with an emphasis on derived \(\infty\)-categories)

In this term we want to learn some basics about \(\infty\)-categories and \(E_\infty\)-algebras. Here is a preliminary program .
The seminar takes place on Wednesdays 10:15 - 11:45 in room G.13.18(BUW).

Talk Day Speaker
1. Introduction: \(E_\infty\)-algebras and Wortschatz (distribution of the talks) 17.04.24 Fei
no talk 24.04.24
no talk 01.05.24
2. Simplicial sets and infinity categories 08.05.24 Doosung
3. Symmetric monoidal categories 15.05.24 Pengcheng
no talk 22.05.24
4. Model categories 29.05.24 Daan
5. Derived categories (as triangulated categories) 04.06.24
(Tuesday, G.13.18, 14-16)
6. Derived functors (as triangulated functors) 05.06.24 Dzoara
7. Nonabelian derived category theory: Animation (of a 1-category) 12.06.24 Andreas
8. Excursion: classical cotangent complex 18.06.24
(Tuesday, G.13.18, 14-16)
9. Example of a nonabelian derived functor: the cotangent complex 19.06.24 Vincent
10. Stable \(\infty\)-categories, e.g. \(D(A)\) 26.06.24 Erik
11. Symmetric monoidal \(\infty\)-categories via correspondences 03.07.24 Tobias
12. Symmetric monoidal \(\infty\)-categories via \(\infty\)-operads 10.07.24 Tommy
13. \(\infty\)-Approach to crystalline cohomology (after Kerz-Tamme) 17.07.24 Kay