- On the log motivic stable homotopy groups. Homology, Homotopy and Applications 27 (2025). 1-15.
- Inverting log blow-ups in log geometry. Tunisian Journal of Mathematics 6-3 (2024), 405-453.
- Real topological Hochschild homology of schemes, joint with Jens Hornbostel.
Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 23 (2024), 1461-1518. Addendum
- A Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg theorem and residue sequences for logarithmic Hochschild homology, joint with Federico Binda, Tommy Lundemo, and Paul Arne Østvær. Advances in Mathematics 435 (2023), 109354.
- Logarithmic prismatic cohomology via logarithmic THH, joint with Federico Binda, Tommy Lundemo, and Paul Arne Østvær. International Mathematics Research Notices 22 (2023). 19641–19696.
- Motives and homotopy theory in logarithmic geometry, joint with Federico Binda and Paul Arne Østvær. Comptes Rendus Mathématique 360 (2022), 717-727.
- Triangulated categories of logarithmic motives over a field, joint with Federico Binda and Paul Arne Østvær. Astérisque 433 (2022), ix+267
- Intermediate Jacobians and the slice filtration. Mathematica Scandinavica 128 (2022), 239–254
- Construction of triangulated categories of motives using the localization property. Kodai Mathematical Journal 44 (2021), 195-264
- Equivariant cd-structures and descent theory. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 223 (2019), 4123-4152
- Logarithmic TC via the infinite root stack and the Beilinson fiber square, joint with Federico Binda, Tommy Lundemo, and Alberto Merici.
- Log motivic nearby cycles.
- Logarithmic Gysin sequences for regular immersions.
- Motivic six-functor formalism for log schemes.
- Log motivic exceptional direct image functors.
- On the logarithmic slice filtration, joint with Federico Binda and Paul Arne Østvær. To appear in Geometry & Topology.
- Logarithmic prismatic cohomology, motivic sheaves, and comparison theorems, joint with Federico Binda, Tommy Lundemo, and Alberto Merici.
- Syntomic cohomology and real topological cyclic homology.
- Real topological Hochschild homology of perfectoid rings, joint with Jens Hornbostel.
- Motivic real topological Hochschild spectrum.
- Logarithmic motivic homotopy theory, joint with Federico Binda and Paul Arne Østvær.
- Log motivic Gysin isomorphisms.
- A1-homotopy theory of log schemes.
- Motivic interpretation of Albanese varieties of smooth varieties.
- Description of mixed motives.
- Triangulated categories of motives over fs log schemes. This will not be published because this was subsumed by other papers.