[1] Andreas Frommer, Fatmir Hoxha, and Bruno Lang. Proving the existence of zeros using the topological degree and interval arithmetic. J. Comput. Appl. Math., 199(2):397--402, February 2007. [ DOI ]
The invariance of the topological degree under certain homotopies is used to computationally prove the existence of zeros of nonlinear mappings in Rn. These existence tests use interval arithmetic to enclose the range of a function over a box. We show that our test is more general than a well-known test based on Miranda's theorem, and we show by a numerical example that the new test can be successful on substantially larger boxes.

[2] Martin Mönnigmann, Wolfgang Marquardt, Christian H. Bischof, Thomas Beelitz, Bruno Lang, and Paul Willems. A hybrid approach for efficient robust design of dynamic systems. SIAM Rev., 49(2):236--254, 2007. [ DOI ]
We propose a novel approach for the parametrically robust design of dynamic systems. The approach can be applied to system models with parameters that are uncertain in the sense that values for these parameters are not known precisely, but only within certain bounds. The novel approach is guaranteed to find an optimal steady state that is stable for each parameter combination within these bounds.

Our approach combines the use of a standard solver for constrained optimization problems with the rigorous solution of nonlinear systems. The constraints for the optimization problems are based on the concept of parameter space normal vectors that measure the distance of a tentative optimum to the nearest known critical point, i.e., a point where stability may be lost. Such normal vectors are derived using methods from Nonlinear Dynamics. After the optimization, the rigorous solver is used to provide a guarantee that no critical points exist in the vicinity of the optimum, or to detect such points. In the latter case, the optimization is resumed, taking the newly found critical points into account. This optimize--and--verify procedure is repeated until the rigorous nonlinear solver can guarantee that the vicinity of the optimum is free from critical points and therefore the optimum is parametrically robust. In contrast to existing design methodologies, our approach can be automated and does not rely on the experience of the designing engineer.

A simple model of a fermenter is used to illustrate the concepts and the order of activities arising in a typical design process.

[3] Thomas Beelitz, Bruno Lang, and Christian H. Bischof. Efficient task scheduling in the parallel result-verifying solution of nonlinear systems. Reliab. Comput., 12(2):141--151, April 2006. [ DOI ]
Nonlinear systems occur in diverse applications, e.g., in the steady state analysis of chemical processes. If safety concerns require the results to be provably correct then result-verifying algorithms relying on interval arithmetic should be used for solving these systems. Since such algorithms are very computationally intensive, the coarse-grained inter-box parallelism should be exploited to make them feasible in practice. In this paper we briefly describe our framework SONIC for the verified solution of nonlinear systems and give detailed information about its parallelization with OpenMP and MPI. Our numerical results show that the implemented parallelization schemes are indeed successful. The more sophisticated MPI implementation seems to be superior to the easy-to-implement OpenMP version and shows almost linear speedup up to a large number of processors.

[4] Wolfgang Marquardt, Martin Mönnigmann, Thomas Beelitz, Bruno Lang, Paul Willems, and Christan H. Bischof. Robust design of dynamic systems. ECMI Newsletter, 39:15, March 2006.

[5] Thomas Beelitz, Andreas Frommer, Bruno Lang, and Paul Willems. Symbolic--numeric techniques for solving nonlinear systems. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 5(1):705--708, December 2005. [ DOI ]
We describe a multilevel technique combining symbolic and numeric methods to obtain guaranteed enclosures for all solutions of a nonlinear system within a given search box.

[6] Andreas Frommer and Bruno Lang. Existence tests for solutions of nonlinear equations using Borsuk's theorem. SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 43(3):1348--1361, 2005. [ DOI ]
We show how interval arithmetic can be used in connection with Borsuk's theorem to computationally prove the existence of a solution of a system of nonlinear equations. It turns out that this new test, which can be checked computationally in several different ways, is more general than an existing test based on Miranda's theorem in the sense that it is successful for a larger set of situations. A numerical example is included.

[7] A. Frommer, B. Lang, and M. Schnurr. A comparison of the Moore and Miranda existence tests. Computing, 72(3--4):349--354, June 2004. [ DOI ]
We compare two computational tests for the existence of a zero of a nonlinear system. One of the tests is based on a theorem by Moore, the other relies on Miranda's theorem. It turns out that the Miranda test is always at least as powerful as the Moore test. We also indicate some conditions under which both tests are equivalent.

[8] Thomas Beelitz, Christian H. Bischof, and Bruno Lang. A hybrid subdivision strategy for result-verifying nonlinear solvers. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 4:632--633, 2004. [ DOI ]
Many different heuristics have been proposed for selecting the subdivision direction in branch--and--bound result-verifying nonlinear solvers. We investigate the impact of the box-splitting techniques on the overall performance of the solver and propose a new approach combining some of the simple heuristics in a hybrid way. Numerical experiments with medium--sized example problems indicate that our approach is successful.

[9] Andreas Frommer and Bruno Lang. On preconditioners for the Borsuk existence test. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 4:638--639, 2004. [ DOI ]
Existence or fixed point theorems, combined with interval analytic methods, provide a means to computationally prove the existence of a zero of a nonlinear system in a given interval vector. One such test is based on Borsuk's existence theorem. We discuss preconditioning techniques that are aimed at improving the effectiveness of this test.

[10] Thomas Beelitz, Christian Bischof, Bruno Lang, and Klaus Schulte Althoff. Result-verifying solution of nonlinear systems in the analysis of chemical processes. In René Alt, Andreas Frommer, R. Baker Kearfott, and Wolfram Luther, editors, Numerical Software with Result Verification --- Proc. Intl. Dagstuhl Seminar, January 19--24, 2003, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, number 2991 in LNCS, pages 198--205. Springer, Berlin, 2004. [ DOI ]
A framework for the verified solution of nonlinear systems arising in the analysis and design of chemical processes is described. The framework combines a symbolic preprocessing step with an interval--based branch--and--bound solver whose efficiency is increased with several acceleration techniques. One of these methods is based on order--2 Taylor expansion; it is also discussed in this note.

[11] Thomas Beelitz, Christian H. Bischof, Bruno Lang, and Paul Willems. SONIC---A framework for the rigorous solution of nonlinear problems. Report BUW-SC 04/7, Fachbereich Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 2004. [ Preprint ]
SONIC is a new rigorous nonlinear solver and constrained optimizer based on interval computations. Having been developed primarily to support the parametrically robust design of dynamic systems, SONIC can also be used to solve nonlinear problems arising in other application areas. Since its high-level solvers can be coupled with several different basic interval libraries, it can achieve optimized performance while maintaining a high degree of portability. In addition to the serial code, efficient parallel versions for shared and distributed memory architectures are available.

[12] Thomas Beelitz, Christian H. Bischof, and Bruno Lang. Intervals and OpenMP: Towards an efficient parallel result-verifying nonlinear solver. In Dieter an Mey, editor, Proc. EWOMP '03, Fifth European Workshop on OpenMP, September 22-26, 2003, Aachen, Germany, pages 119--125, Aachen, Germany, 2003. Center for Computing and Communication, Aachen University.
Nonlinear systems occur in diverse applications, i.e., in the steady state analysis of chemical processes. If safety concerns require the results to be provably correct then result-verifying algorithms relying on interval arithmetic should be used for solving these systems. Since such algorithms are very computationally intensive, parallelism must be exploited to make them feasible in practice. We describe our framework for the verified solution of nonlinear systems and our approach to parallelizing it with OpenMP. First numerical results show that the parallelization scheme is indeed successful but that the attainable speedup is limited for some unknown reason.