[1] Onur T. Doganay, Kathrin Klamroth, Bruno Lang, Michael Stiglmayr, and Claudia Totzeck. Modeling minimum cost network flows with port-Hamiltonian systems. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 2022. [ DOI ]
We give a short overview of advantages and drawbacks of the classical formulation of minimum cost network flow problems and solution techniques, to motivate a reformulation of classical static minimum cost network flow problems as optimal control problems constrained by port-Hamiltonian systems (pHS). The first-order optimality system for the port-Hamiltonian system-constrained optimal control problem is formally derived. Then we propose a gradient-based algorithm to find optimal controls. The port-Hamiltonian system formulation naturally conserves flow and supports a wide array of further modeling options as, for example, node reservoirs, flow dependent costs, leaking pipes (dissipation) and coupled sub-networks (ports). They thus provide a versatile alternative to state-of-the art approaches towards dynamic network flow problems, which are often based on computationally costly time-expanded networks. We argue that this opens the door for a plethora of modeling options and solution approaches for network flow problems.

[2] Kathrin Klamroth, Bruno Lang, Armin Seyfried, and Michael Stiglmayr. Network simulation for pedestrian flows with HyDEFS. Coll. Dyn., 5:1--16, 2020. [ DOI ]
The reliable simulation of pedestrian movement is an essential tool for the security aware design and analysis of buildings and infrastructure. We developed HyDEFS, an event-driven dynamic flow simulation software which is designed to simulate pedestrian movement depending on varying routing decisions of the individual users and varying constraints. HyDEFS uses given density depending velocities to model congestions and evaluates flow distributions with respect to average and maximum travel time. This is of particular importance when considering evacuation scenarios. We apply HyDEFS on two small networks and cross validate its results by time-discrete and time-continuous calculations.