Prof. Dr. Jens Hornbostel
Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
Fachgruppe Mathematik und Informatik
Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Gaußstraße 20
42119 Wuppertal
Raum: G.15.12
Telefon: ++ (49)(202) 439-2672
Fax: ++ (49)(202) 439-3135
e-mail: hornbostel (at)
Sekretariat (bis 13:00 Uhr):
Gabriele Birkenfeld
Raum: G.15.24
Telefon: ++ (49)(202) 439-3553
Sprechstunde: nach Vereinbarung per Email
Lehre im Sommersemester 2024:
Topologie 2 (Vertiefung Topologie): Mo 12-14 in G.13.18 und Mi 12-14 Uhr in G.15.25.
Lehre im Wintersemester 2024/25:
Einführung in die Topologie, Mi 10-12 Uhr in G.15.34 und Do 12-14 Uhr in K.12.16, Übungsgruppe Mo 12-14 Uhr in G.14.34.
Archiv und Ausblick Lehre
Oberseminar Algebra und Topologie am Mittwoch um 16:30 Uhr,
Raum I.13.71.
Arbeitsgruppe Topologie
DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 2240
33rd NRW Topology Meeting, 26./27. April 2024
Summer school on derived and triangulated categories,
Wuppertal, 13.-17. September 2021
Gauss-Vorlesung der DMV in Wuppertal am
21. November 2019
New trends in K-theory and homotopy theory -
A conference in honor of Max Karoubi's 80th birthday,
IHP Paris, 15./16. November 2018
Postdocs: Tommy Lundemo, Doosung Park
Doktoranden: Andrea Lachmann, Pengcheng Zhang
Publications and Preprints:
Sur la K-théorie des catégories additives et exactes
hermitiennes, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, t.329 (1999), 469-474.
Constructions and Dévissage in Hermitian K-theory,
K-theory 26 (2002), 139-170.
Localization in Hermitian K-theory of rings
(joint with M. Schlichting),
Journal of the LMS 70 (2004), 77-124.
A1-representability of hermitian K-theory and Witt groups,
Topology 44 (2005), 661-687.
A Zero Theorem for the Transfer of Coherent Witt Groups
(joint with S. Gille),
Math. Nachrichten 278 (2005), 815-823.
Motives and étale motives with finite coefficients
(joint with C. Häsemeyer),
K-theory 34 (2005), 195-207.
Localizations in motivic homotopy theory,
Math. Proc. of the Cambridge Phil. Soc. 140 (2006), 95-114.
On non-commutative twisting in étale and motivic cohomology
(joint with G. Kings), Annales de l'Institut Fourier 56 (2006),
Rigidity for Henselian local rings and
A1-representable theories
(joint with S. Yagunov), Math. Zeitschrift
225 (2007), 437-449.
Witt motives, transfers and reductive groups
(joint with B. Calmès),
preprint 2004.
Available as preprint no. 143 of the
Linear Algebraic Groups and Related Structures Preprint Server .
Witt motives, transfers and dévissage
(joint with B. Calmès),
preprint 2006 (extending parts of the previous item).
Available as preprint no. 786
of the
K-theory preprint archives .
Beta-elements and divided congruences
(joint with N. Naumann),
American Journal of Mathematics 129 (2007), 1377-1402.
Oriented Chow groups, hermitian K-theory and the
Gersten conjecture, Manuscripta Math. 125 (2008), 273-284.
Tensor-triangulated categories and dualities (joint with B.
Calmès), Theory and Appl. of Categories 22 (2009), 136-198.
Push-forwards for Witt groups of schemes (joint with B.
Calmès), Comment. Math. Helv. 86 (2011), 437-468.
Schubert calculus for algebraic cobordism (joint with
V. Kiritchenko), J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelle) 656 (2011), 59-86.
Preorientations of the derived motivic multiplicative group, Alg. Geom.
Topology 13 (2013), 2667-2712. Erratum ibid. 18 (2018), 1257-1258.
Equivariant semi-topological K-homology and a theorem of Thomason
(joint with J. Heller), Journal of K-theory 12 (2013), 493-549.
Infinite CW-complexes, Brauer groups and
phantom cohomology (joint with S. Schröer), Israel J. Math.
207 (2015), 77-101.
Semistable symmetric spectra in A1-homotopy theory (joint with S. Hähne),
New York J. Math. (2015), 1-56.
Some comments on motivic nilpotence (with an appendix by M. Zibrowius),
Transactions of the AMS 370 (2018), 3001-3015.
Smooth Schubert varieties and generalized Schubert polynomials in
algebraic cobordism of Grassmannians (joint with N. Perrin),
Pacific J. Math. 294 (2018), 401-422.
- Chow-Witt rings of classifying spaces for symplectic and special
linear groups (joint with M. Wendt), J. of Topology 12 (2019), 915-965.
Chow-Witt rings of split quadrics (joint with H. Xie and M. Zibrowius),
in "Motivic homotopy theory and
refined enumerative geometry", Contemp. Math. vol. 745 (2020), 123-161.
The real cycle class map (joint with M. Wendt, H. Xie and M. Zibrowius),
Ann. K-Theory 6 (2021), 239-317.
Formal ternary laws and Buchstaber's 2-groups (joint with D. Coulette, F. Déglise, J. Fasel), Manuscripta Mathematica 174 (2024), 453-490.
Real topological Hochschild homology of schemes (joint with D. Park),
J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 23 (2024), 1461-1518, Addendum ibid. 1519-1520.
Atiyah-Segal completion for the Hermitian K-theory of Symplectic Groups
(joint with H. Rohrbach and M. Zibrowius), Preprint 2023, available on the arxiv, to appear in Alg. Geom. Topology.
Real Topological Hochschild Homology of Perfectoid Rings (joint with D. Park), Preprint 2023, available on the arxiv.
A few computations about the real cycle class map in low dimensions,
Quarterly J. Math. 76 (2025), 185-194.