Registration 32nd LQP Workshop at University of Wuppertal 1.) Full name: >>_ 2.) Affiliation: >>_ 3.) Would you like us to book accommodation for you? If yes, please provide the relevant detail (single room, double room, price range, arrival/departure, ...). If you would like to share a room please tell us with whom! If you leave this field blank, we are going to assume that you take care about accommodation yourself. >>_ 4.) Do you wish to give a talk? As usual, we are encouraging in particular younger participants to present their work. Our present plan is to have 45 minutes talks, including discussion. Talk?: >>_ Title: >>_ 5.) Do you wish to apply for financial support for travel/accommodation? If yes, please provide an estimate for the costs! Notice however that we only got a limited amount of funds available. We try to support the younger participants (in particular speakers), but we can not promise that everybody who asks for support will get all of the travel/accommodation costs reimbursed. Those who have other support available are asked to use it. >>_