Forschungsseminar Algebra und Zahlentheorie WiSe 23/24

Seminar on Smooth mod \(p\) representations of \(p\)-adic reductive groups

In this term we study the article
"The classification of irreducible admissible mod \(p\) representations of a \(p\)-adic \(\mathbf{GL}_n\)" by Florian Herzig.
Here is the program (by C. Heyer and Tobias Schmidt).

The seminar takes place on Wednesdays 10:15 - 11:45 in room G.14.34 (BUW).

Talk Day Speaker
1. Discussion and distribution of the talks 18.10.
2. Smooth mod \(p\) representations and weights 25.10. Daan
3. The mod \(p\) Satake transform 08.11. Britta
4. Various lemmas 15.11. Sascha
5. Compatibilities between Hecke actions 22.11. Kay
6. Comparison of compact induction with parabolic induction 29.11. Andreas
No talk 06.12.
7. Hecke eigenvalues and supersingularity 13.12. Mattia
8. Change of weight 20.12. Vincent
9. Generalized Steinberg representations 10.01. Erik
10. Irreducibility of parabolic inductions 17.01. Sonja
11. The right adjoint of parabolic induction 23.01. (Tuesday)
14 - 16 in G.13.18
12. Classification of irreducible representations 24.01. Ziqian
13. The submodule structure of parabolically induced representations 31.01. Tobias