C-XSC - A C++ Class Library for Extended Scientific Computing  2.5.4
00001 /*
00002 **  CXSC is a C++ library for eXtended Scientific Computing (V 2.5.4)
00003 **
00004 **  Copyright (C) 1990-2000 Institut fuer Angewandte Mathematik,
00005 **                          Universitaet Karlsruhe, Germany
00006 **            (C) 2000-2014 Wiss. Rechnen/Softwaretechnologie
00007 **                          Universitaet Wuppertal, Germany   
00008 **
00009 **  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
00010 **  modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
00011 **  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
00012 **  version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
00013 **
00014 **  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00015 **  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00017 **  Library General Public License for more details.
00018 **
00019 **  You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
00020 **  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
00021 **  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
00022 */
00024 /* CVS $Id: idot.inl,v 1.25 2014/01/30 17:23:45 cxsc Exp $ */
00026 namespace cxsc {
00028 // ---- Konstruktoren ----
00030 inline idotprecision::idotprecision(const dotprecision &a,const dotprecision &b) throw(ERROR_IDOTPRECISION_EMPTY_INTERVAL)
00031          : inf(a), sup(b), k(0)
00032 {
00033    if(a>b)
00034       cxscthrow(ERROR_IDOTPRECISION_EMPTY_INTERVAL("inline idotprecision::idotprecision(const dotprecision &a,const dotprecision &b)"));
00035    inf.set_k(0);
00036    sup.set_k(0);
00037 }
00039 inline idotprecision::idotprecision(const idotprecision &a)
00040          : inf(a.inf), sup(a.sup), k(a.k)
00041 {
00042    // if (a > b) errmon (ERR_INTERVAL(EMPTY)); throw!
00043 }
00045 // ---- Typwandlungen ----
00051 inline idotprecision _idotprecision(const real & a) 
00052 {
00053   return idotprecision (a,a);
00054 }
00060 inline idotprecision _idotprecision(const real & a, const real & b) 
00061 {
00062   return idotprecision (a,b);
00063 }
00069 inline idotprecision _unchecked_idotprecision(const real & a, const real & b) {
00070   idotprecision tmp;
00071   tmp.inf = a;
00072   tmp.sup = b;
00073   return tmp;
00074 }
00081 inline idotprecision _idotprecision(const dotprecision & a) 
00082 {
00083   return idotprecision (a,a);
00084 }
00090 inline idotprecision _idotprecision(const dotprecision & a, const dotprecision & b) 
00091 {
00092   return idotprecision (a,b);
00093 }
00099 inline idotprecision _unchecked_idotprecision(const dotprecision & a, const dotprecision & b) {
00100   idotprecision tmp;
00101   tmp.inf = a;
00102   tmp.sup = b;
00103   return tmp;
00104 }
00107 // ---- Standardfunkt ---- (arithmetische Operatoren)
00109 inline idotprecision operator-(const idotprecision &a) throw() { return idotprecision (-a.sup, -a.inf); }
00110 inline idotprecision operator+(const idotprecision &a) throw() { return a; }
00112 inline idotprecision operator+(const idotprecision &a,const idotprecision &b) throw() { return idotprecision(a.inf+b.inf,a.sup+b.sup); }
00113 inline idotprecision operator-(const idotprecision &a,const idotprecision &b) throw() { return idotprecision(a.inf-b.sup,a.sup-b.inf); }
00114 inline idotprecision operator |(const idotprecision &a,const idotprecision &b) throw() 
00115 {
00116    return idotprecision((a.inf<b.inf)?a.inf:b.inf,(a.sup>b.sup)?a.sup:b.sup);
00117 }
00118 // ID-D
00120 inline idotprecision operator +(const idotprecision &a,const dotprecision &b) throw() { return idotprecision(a.inf+b,a.sup+b); }
00121 inline idotprecision operator +(const dotprecision &b,const idotprecision &a) throw() { return idotprecision(a.inf+b,a.sup+b); } 
00122 inline idotprecision operator -(const idotprecision &a,const dotprecision &b) throw() { return idotprecision(a.inf-b,a.sup-b); } 
00123 inline idotprecision operator -(const dotprecision &a,const idotprecision &b) throw() { return idotprecision(a-b.sup,a-b.inf); }
00125 inline idotprecision operator |(const dotprecision &a,const idotprecision &b) throw() 
00126 {
00127    return idotprecision((a<b.inf)?a:b.inf,(a>b.sup)?a:b.sup);
00128 }
00129 inline idotprecision operator |(const idotprecision &a,const dotprecision &b) throw() 
00130 {
00131    return idotprecision((a.inf<b)?a.inf:b,(a.sup>b)?a.sup:b);
00132 }
00133 inline idotprecision operator |(const dotprecision &a,const dotprecision &b) throw()
00134 {
00135    if(a>b) return idotprecision(b,a);
00136    else    return idotprecision(a,b);
00137 }
00138 inline idotprecision operator &(const dotprecision &a,const idotprecision &b) throw(ERROR_IDOTPRECISION_EMPTY_INTERVAL) 
00139 {
00140    return idotprecision((a>b.inf)?a:b.inf,(a<b.sup)?a:b.sup);
00141 }
00142 inline idotprecision operator &(const idotprecision &a,const dotprecision &b) throw(ERROR_IDOTPRECISION_EMPTY_INTERVAL) 
00143 {
00144    return idotprecision((a.inf>b)?a.inf:b,(a.sup<b)?a.sup:b);
00145 }
00147 // ID-L
00149 inline idotprecision operator +(const idotprecision &a,const long &b) throw() { return idotprecision(a.inf+b,a.sup+b); }
00150 inline idotprecision operator +(const long &b,const idotprecision &a) throw() { return idotprecision(a.inf+b,a.sup+b); } 
00151 inline idotprecision operator -(const idotprecision &a,const long &b) throw() { return idotprecision(a.inf-b,a.sup-b); } 
00152 inline idotprecision operator -(const long &a,const idotprecision &b) throw() { return idotprecision(a-b.sup,a-b.inf); }
00154 inline idotprecision operator |(const long &a,const idotprecision &b) throw() 
00155 {
00156    return idotprecision((a<b.inf)?dotprecision(a):b.inf,(a>b.sup)?dotprecision(a):b.sup);
00157 }
00158 inline idotprecision operator |(const idotprecision &a,const long &b) throw() 
00159 {
00160    return idotprecision((a.inf<b)?a.inf:dotprecision(b),(a.sup>b)?a.sup:dotprecision(b));
00161 }
00162 inline idotprecision operator &(const idotprecision &a,const idotprecision &b) throw(ERROR_IDOTPRECISION_EMPTY_INTERVAL) 
00163 {
00164    return idotprecision((a.inf>b.inf)?a.inf:b.inf,(a.sup<b.sup)?a.sup:b.sup);
00165 }
00166 inline idotprecision operator &(const long &a,const idotprecision &b) throw(ERROR_IDOTPRECISION_EMPTY_INTERVAL) 
00167 {
00168    return idotprecision((a>b.inf)?dotprecision(a):b.inf,(a<b.sup)?dotprecision(a):b.sup);
00169 }
00170 inline idotprecision operator &(const idotprecision &a,const long &b) throw(ERROR_IDOTPRECISION_EMPTY_INTERVAL) 
00171 {
00172    return idotprecision((a.inf>b)?a.inf:dotprecision(b),(a.sup<b)?a.sup:dotprecision(b));
00173 }
00175 // ID-R
00177 inline idotprecision operator +(const idotprecision &a,const real &b) throw() { return idotprecision(a.inf+b,a.sup+b); }
00178 inline idotprecision operator +(const real &b,const idotprecision &a) throw() { return idotprecision(a.inf+b,a.sup+b); } 
00179 inline idotprecision operator -(const idotprecision &a,const real &b) throw() { return idotprecision(a.inf-b,a.sup-b); } 
00180 inline idotprecision operator -(const real &a,const idotprecision &b) throw() { return idotprecision(a-b.sup,a-b.inf); }
00182 inline idotprecision operator |(const real &a,const idotprecision &b) throw() 
00183 {
00184    return idotprecision((a<b.inf)?dotprecision(a):b.inf,(a>b.sup)?dotprecision(a):b.sup);
00185 }
00186 inline idotprecision operator |(const idotprecision &a,const real &b) throw() 
00187 {
00188    return idotprecision((a.inf<b)?a.inf:dotprecision(b),(a.sup>b)?a.sup:dotprecision(b));
00189 }
00190 inline idotprecision operator &(const real &a,const idotprecision &b) throw(ERROR_IDOTPRECISION_EMPTY_INTERVAL) 
00191 {
00192    return idotprecision((a>b.inf)?dotprecision(a):b.inf,(a<b.sup)?dotprecision(a):b.sup);
00193 }
00194 inline idotprecision operator &(const idotprecision &a,const real &b) throw(ERROR_IDOTPRECISION_EMPTY_INTERVAL) 
00195 {
00196    return idotprecision((a.inf>b)?a.inf:dotprecision(b),(a.sup<b)?a.sup:dotprecision(b));
00197 }
00200 // ID-I
00202 inline idotprecision operator +(const idotprecision &a,const interval &b) throw() { return idotprecision(a.inf+b.inf,a.sup+b.sup); }
00203 inline idotprecision operator +(const interval &b,const idotprecision &a) throw() { return idotprecision(a.inf+b.inf,a.sup+b.sup); } 
00204 inline idotprecision operator -(const idotprecision &a,const interval &b) throw() { return idotprecision(a.inf-b.sup,a.sup-b.inf); } 
00205 inline idotprecision operator -(const interval &a,const idotprecision &b) throw() { return idotprecision(a.inf-b.sup,a.sup-b.inf); }
00207 inline idotprecision operator |(const interval &a,const idotprecision &b) throw() 
00208 {
00209    return idotprecision((a.inf<b.inf)?dotprecision(a.inf):b.inf,(a.sup>b.sup)?dotprecision(a.sup):b.sup);
00210 }
00211 inline idotprecision operator |(const idotprecision &a,const interval &b) throw() 
00212 {
00213    return idotprecision((a.inf<b.inf)?a.inf:dotprecision(b.inf),(a.sup>b.sup)?a.sup:dotprecision(b.sup));
00214 }
00215 inline idotprecision operator &(const interval &a,const idotprecision &b) throw(ERROR_IDOTPRECISION_EMPTY_INTERVAL) 
00216 {
00217    return idotprecision((a.inf>b.inf)?dotprecision(a.inf):b.inf,(a.sup<b.sup)?dotprecision(a.sup):b.sup);
00218 }
00219 inline idotprecision operator &(const idotprecision &a,const interval &b) throw(ERROR_IDOTPRECISION_EMPTY_INTERVAL) 
00220 {
00221    return idotprecision((a.inf>b.inf)?a.inf:dotprecision(b.inf),(a.sup<b.sup)?a.sup:dotprecision(b.sup));
00222 }
00224 // D-R
00226 inline idotprecision operator |(const dotprecision &a,const real &b) throw() 
00227 {
00228    if(a<b)
00229       return idotprecision(a,dotprecision(b));
00230    return idotprecision(dotprecision(b),a);
00231 }
00232 inline idotprecision operator |(const real &b,const dotprecision &a) throw() 
00233 {
00234    if(a<b)
00235       return idotprecision(a,dotprecision(b));
00236    return idotprecision(dotprecision(b),a);
00237 }
00241 inline idotprecision & operator +=(idotprecision &a,const idotprecision &b) throw() { a.inf+=b.inf,a.sup+=b.sup; return a;}
00242 inline idotprecision & operator +=(idotprecision &a,const dotprecision &b) throw() { a.inf+=b,a.sup+=b; return a;}
00243 inline idotprecision & operator -=(idotprecision &a,const idotprecision &b) throw() { a.inf-=b.inf,a.sup-=b.sup; return a;}
00244 inline idotprecision & operator -=(idotprecision &a,const dotprecision &b) throw() { a.inf-=b,a.sup-=b; return a;}
00245 inline idotprecision & operator +=(idotprecision &a,const interval &b) throw() 
00246 {
00247    a.inf+=Inf(b);
00248    a.sup+=Sup(b);
00249    return a;
00250 }
00251 inline idotprecision & operator -=(idotprecision &a,const interval &b) throw()
00252 {
00253    a.inf-=Sup(b);
00254    a.sup-=Inf(b);
00255    return a;
00256 }
00257 inline idotprecision & operator +=(idotprecision &a,const real &b) throw()
00258 {
00259    a.inf+=b;
00260    a.sup+=b;
00261    return a;
00262 }
00263 inline idotprecision & operator -=(idotprecision &a,const real &b) throw()
00264 {
00265    a.inf-=b;
00266    a.sup-=b;
00267    return a;
00268 }
00271 inline idotprecision & operator |=(idotprecision &a,const idotprecision &b) throw() 
00272 {
00273    if(b.inf<a.inf)
00274       a.inf=b.inf;
00275    if(b.sup>a.sup)
00276       a.sup=b.sup;
00277    return a;
00278 }
00279 inline idotprecision & operator &=(idotprecision &a,const idotprecision &b) throw(ERROR_IDOTPRECISION_EMPTY_INTERVAL) 
00280 {
00281    if(b.inf>a.inf)
00282       a.inf=b.inf;
00283    if(b.sup<a.sup)
00284       a.sup=b.sup;
00286    if(a.inf>a.sup)
00287       cxscthrow(ERROR_IDOTPRECISION_EMPTY_INTERVAL("inline idotprecision & operator &=(idotprecision &a,const idotprecision &b)"));
00288    return a;
00289 }
00290 inline idotprecision & operator |=(idotprecision &a,const dotprecision &b) throw() 
00291 {
00292    if(b<a.inf)
00293       a.inf=b;
00294    if(b>a.sup)
00295       a.sup=b;
00296    return a;
00297 }
00298 inline idotprecision & operator &=(idotprecision &a,const dotprecision &b) throw(ERROR_IDOTPRECISION_EMPTY_INTERVAL) 
00299 {
00300    if(b>a.inf)
00301       a.inf=b;
00302    if(b<a.sup)
00303       a.sup=b;
00304    if(a.inf>a.sup)
00305       cxscthrow(ERROR_IDOTPRECISION_EMPTY_INTERVAL("inline idotprecision & operator &=(idotprecision &a,const dotprecision &b)"));
00306    return a;
00307 }
00309 // --- Vergleichsoperationen ----
00310 inline bool operator ==(const idotprecision &a,const idotprecision &b) throw() {   return(a.inf==b.inf && a.sup==b.sup); }
00311 inline bool operator !=(const idotprecision &a,const idotprecision &b) throw() {   return(a.inf!=b.inf || a.sup!=b.sup); }
00312 inline bool operator ==(const dotprecision &r,const idotprecision &a)     throw() {   return(r==a.inf && r==a.sup); }
00313 inline bool operator !=(const dotprecision &r,const idotprecision &a)     throw() {   return(r!=a.inf || r!=a.sup); }
00314 inline bool operator ==(const idotprecision &a,const dotprecision &r)     throw() {   return(r==a.inf && r==a.sup); }
00315 inline bool operator !=(const idotprecision &a,const dotprecision &r)     throw() {   return(r!=a.inf || r!=a.sup); }
00317 inline bool operator ==(const real &r,const idotprecision &a)     throw() {   return(r==a.inf && r==a.sup); }
00318 inline bool operator !=(const real &r,const idotprecision &a)     throw() {   return(r!=a.inf || r!=a.sup); }
00319 inline bool operator ==(const idotprecision &a,const real &r)     throw() {   return(r==a.inf && r==a.sup); }
00320 inline bool operator !=(const idotprecision &a,const real &r)     throw() {   return(r!=a.inf || r!=a.sup); }
00322 inline bool operator ==(const interval &a,const idotprecision &b) throw() {   return(Inf(a)==b.inf && Sup(a)==b.sup); }
00323 inline bool operator !=(const interval &a,const idotprecision &b) throw() {   return(Inf(a)!=b.inf || Sup(a)!=b.sup); }
00324 inline bool operator ==(const idotprecision &a,const interval &b) throw() {   return(a.inf==Inf(b) && a.sup==Sup(b)); }
00325 inline bool operator !=(const idotprecision &a,const interval &b) throw() {   return(a.inf!=Inf(b) || a.sup!=Sup(b)); }
00327 // --- Mengenvergleiche ---
00328 // <,>,...
00329 inline bool operator <=(const idotprecision &a,const idotprecision &b) throw()
00330 {
00331    return(a.inf>=b.inf && a.sup<=b.sup);   
00332 }
00333 inline bool operator >=(const idotprecision &a,const idotprecision &b) throw()
00334 {
00335    return(a.inf<=b.inf && a.sup>=b.sup);   
00336 }
00337 inline bool operator <(const idotprecision &a,const idotprecision &b) throw()
00338 {
00339    return(a.inf>b.inf && a.sup<b.sup);   
00340 }
00341 inline bool operator >(const idotprecision &a,const idotprecision &b) throw()
00342 {
00343    return(a.inf<b.inf && a.sup>b.sup);   
00344 }
00346 inline bool operator <=(const dotprecision &a,const idotprecision &b) throw()
00347 {
00348    return(a>=b.inf && a<=b.sup);   
00349 }
00350 inline bool operator >=(const dotprecision &a,const idotprecision &b) throw()
00351 {
00352    return(a<=b.inf && a>=b.sup);   
00353 }
00354 inline bool operator <(const dotprecision &a,const idotprecision &b) throw()
00355 {
00356    return(a>b.inf && a<b.sup);   
00357 }
00359 inline bool operator <=(const idotprecision &a,const dotprecision &b) throw()
00360 {
00361    return(a.inf>=b && a.sup<=b);   
00362 }
00363 inline bool operator >=(const idotprecision &a,const dotprecision &b) throw()
00364 {
00365    return(a.inf<=b && a.sup>=b);   
00366 }
00367 inline bool operator >(const idotprecision &a,const dotprecision &b) throw()
00368 {
00369    return(a.inf<b && a.sup>b);   
00370 }
00372 inline bool operator <=(const real &a,const idotprecision &b) throw()
00373 {
00374    return(a>=b.inf && a<=b.sup);   
00375 }
00376 inline bool operator >=(const real &a,const idotprecision &b) throw()
00377 {
00378    return(a<=b.inf && a>=b.sup);   
00379 }
00380 inline bool operator <(const real &a,const idotprecision &b) throw()
00381 {
00382    return(a>b.inf && a<b.sup);   
00383 }
00385 inline bool operator <=(const idotprecision &a,const real &b) throw()
00386 {
00387    return(a.inf>=b && a.sup<=b);   
00388 }
00389 inline bool operator >=(const idotprecision &a,const real &b) throw()
00390 {
00391    return(a.inf<=b && a.sup>=b);   
00392 }
00393 inline bool operator >(const idotprecision &a,const real &b) throw()
00394 {
00395    return(a.inf<b && a.sup>b);   
00396 }
00398 inline bool operator <=(const interval &a,const idotprecision &b) throw()
00399 {
00400    return(Inf(a)>=b.inf && Sup(a)<=b.sup);   
00401 }
00402 inline bool operator >=(const interval &a,const idotprecision &b) throw()
00403 {
00404    return(Inf(a)<=b.inf && Sup(a)>=b.sup);   
00405 }
00406 inline bool operator <(const interval &a,const idotprecision &b) throw()
00407 {
00408    return(Inf(a)>b.inf && Sup(a)<b.sup);   
00409 }
00410 inline bool operator >(const interval &a,const idotprecision &b) throw()
00411 {
00412    return(Inf(a)<b.inf && Sup(a)>b.sup);   
00413 }
00415 inline bool operator <=(const idotprecision &a,const interval &b) throw()
00416 {
00417    return(a.inf>=Inf(b) && a.sup<=Sup(b));   
00418 }
00419 inline bool operator >=(const idotprecision &a,const interval &b) throw()
00420 {
00421    return(a.inf<=Inf(b) && a.sup>=Sup(b));   
00422 }
00423 inline bool operator <(const idotprecision &a,const interval &b) throw()
00424 {
00425    return(a.inf>Inf(b) && a.sup<Sup(b));   
00426 }
00427 inline bool operator >(const idotprecision &a,const interval &b) throw()
00428 {
00429    return(a.inf<Inf(b) && a.sup>Sup(b));   
00430 }
00432 // ----- Funktionen -----
00434 inline idotprecision & SetInf (idotprecision & a, const dotprecision & b)  throw()
00435 { // ggf. exception
00436    a.inf=b; 
00437    return a;
00438 }
00439 inline idotprecision & SetSup (idotprecision & a, const dotprecision & b) throw()
00440 {
00441    a.sup=b;
00442    return a;
00443 }
00444 inline idotprecision & SetInf (idotprecision & a, const real & b)  throw()
00445 { // ggf. exception
00446    a.inf=b; 
00447    return a;
00448 }
00449 inline idotprecision & SetSup (idotprecision & a, const real & b) throw()
00450 {
00451    a.sup=b;
00452    return a;
00453 }
00454 inline idotprecision & UncheckedSetInf (idotprecision & a, const dotprecision & b) throw()
00455 {
00456    a.inf=b;
00457    return a;
00458 }
00459 inline idotprecision & UncheckedSetSup (idotprecision & a, const dotprecision & b) throw()
00460 {
00461    a.sup=b;
00462    return a;
00463 }
00464 inline idotprecision & UncheckedSetInf (idotprecision & a, const real & b) throw()
00465 {
00466    a.inf=b;
00467    return a;
00468 }
00469 inline idotprecision & UncheckedSetSup (idotprecision & a, const real & b) throw()
00470 {
00471    a.sup=b;
00472    return a;
00473 }
00475 inline bool operator !(const idotprecision &a) throw() { return (a.inf <= dotprecision(0.0) && a.sup >= dotprecision(0.0)); }  
00477 inline bool IsEmpty(const idotprecision &a) throw() { return (a.inf>a.sup); }
00479 inline idotprecision abs(const idotprecision &a) throw()
00480 {
00481    dotprecision h1  = abs(a.inf);
00482    dotprecision h2  = abs(a.sup);
00484    if (IsEmpty(a)) return a;
00485    if (!a)         
00486       return idotprecision(dotprecision(0.0), (h1 > h2) ? h1 : h2);
00487    if (h1 > h2)    
00488       return idotprecision(h2, h1);
00490    return idotprecision(h1, h2); 
00491 }
00493 inline void accumulate  (idotprecision & a, const interval & b, const real & c) throw() { accumulate(a,b,_interval(c)); }
00494 inline void accumulate  (idotprecision & a, const real & b, const interval & c) throw() { accumulate(a,_interval(b),c); }
00495 inline void accumulate  (idotprecision & a, const real & b, const real & c) throw() { accumulate(a,_interval(b),_interval(c)); }
00497 } // namespace cxsc