Modultitel: |
Kürzel: |
WiWi.EmplTh |
Pflichtmodul |
Leistungspunkte: 9 LP |
Bereich: |
Nebenfach Wirtschaftswissenschaften |
Verantwortlicher Hochschullehrer: |
Lernziele/Kompetenzen Employment
and unemployment rates vary substantially over time and internationally but
differences in labor markets go much further comprising issues like education
and skills, female labor force participation, wage distribution, labor laws,
unions, openness of economies, central bank policy, new technology, etc. How
do institutional arrangements affect employment performance theoretically and
does empirical research support or falsify theories? This course investigates
these trends based on economic theory and gives students the opportunity to
investigate some relations with data sets economists use in their analyses. |
Lehrveranstaltung |
Titel LV: |
Wird bekannt gegeben |
Studiensemester: Wintereinstieg:
4 oder 6 Sommereinstieg: 5 |
Workload: |
Kontaktstunden: 30 |
Selbststudium: 240 |
Gesamt: 270 |
SWS: |
4 V, 2 Ü |
Gruppengröße Vorlesung: |
50 |
Gruppengröße Übung: |
50 |
Häufigkeit: |
Angebotssemester: |
Sommersemester |
Dauer: |
1 Semester |
Sprache: |
Englisch |
Lehrinhalte: |
Basics: Employment,
unemployment, wages and working hours, productivity and income: A tour around
OECD countries. In this step students will get familiar with the basic concepts
of economic employment theory and empirical facts of employment trends based
on international data sources. Labor
supply: Who is working, who is not? Economic theory of labor supply, supply
elasticity, changes in labor supply, human capital, and brief discussion of
possible impacts of institutions on labor supply. Labor demand: What kind of
labor, how much? Economic theory of labor demand, capital labor substitution,
substitution between high skilled and low skilled labor, human capital,
productivity and labor demand. Coordination of supply and demand in labor
markets. The idealized market model. Imperfect labor markets: matching,
searching and hiring, information asymmetries, signaling. |
Lehrformen: |
Seminar |
Prüfungsformen: |
schriftliche oder
mündliche Prüfung |
Lehrende: |
Prof. Dr.Ronald
Schettkat |
Anzahl LP: |
9 |
Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme: VWL I – III, Ökonometrie |
Verwendbarkeit über diesen Studiengang hinaus: Bachelor
Wirtschaftswissenschaften, komb. 2-Fach Bachelor |
Erwerb der LP in der Lehrveranstaltung: bestandene schriftliche oder mündliche Prüfung |