Research interests
- Donaldson-Thomas invariants in mathematics and physics
- Derived algebraic geometry
- (Higher) topos theory in algebraic and differential geometry
- Mathematical Physics: (algebraic) quantum field theory, geometry of supergravity and superstring threory
- Homological mirror symmetry
- Manifolds of stability conditions
Sven Meinhardt
preprint, 2016.
preprint, 2016.
Ben Davison and Sven Meinhardt
preprint, 2016.
preprint, 2016.
Ben Davison and Sven Meinhardt
preprint, 2015.
preprint, 2015.
Sven Meinhardt
preprint, 2015.
preprint, 2015.
Sven Meinhardt and Markus Reineke
preprint, 2014.
preprint, 2014.
Vittoria Bussi, Dominic Joyce and Sven Meinhardt
submitted, 2013.
submitted, 2013.
Ben Davison and Sven Meinhardt
preprint, 2012.
preprint, 2012.
Ben Davison and Sven Meinhardt
to appear in "Geometry and Topology", 2011.
to appear in "Geometry and Topology", 2011.
Sven Meinhardt and Holger Partsch
Geometriae Dedicata, Vol. 173, Issue 1, pp 365-392, 2014.
Geometriae Dedicata, Vol. 173, Issue 1, pp 365-392, 2014.
Sven Meinhardt
Int. J. Math., Vol. 23, 1250035, 2012.
Int. J. Math., Vol. 23, 1250035, 2012.
Research stays, conferences and talks
September 27th - October 10th (2015): Research stay at Hong Konk University
Lecture series "Introduction into Donaldson-Thomas theory for quiver with potential"
August 24th - 27th (2015): George Boole conference "Invariants from Moduli Spaces", Cork
Talk "About the nature of Donaldson-Thomas invariants for quivers with potential"
March 7th - 15th (2015): Concentration period "Refined invariants - motivic and/or categorised, Bridgeland stability, MNOP conjectures", Warwick
Talk "Intersection cohomology of quiver moduli and Donaldson-Thomas theory"
February 14th - March 2nd (2015): Workshop on "Wall-crossing", KIAS
Lecture series "Donaldson-Thomas invariants and wall-crossing"
September 29th - October 3rd (2014): 6th Bethe Center Workshop, Bonn
June 2nd - 7th (2013): Refined invariants in geometry, topology and string theory, Banff
March 25th - 28th (2013): Annual conference of the DFG priority programme in representation theory, SPP 1388, Bad Boll