Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Fakultät für Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
Angewandte Informatik - Algorithmik    and    IMACM


Further research


Several people

Duration and funding



This page collects publications, which are not directly related to one of the projects. Research areas include

Project-related publications

[1] Pascal R. Bähr, Bruno Lang, Peer Ueberholz, Marton Ady, and Roberto Kersevan. Development of a hardware-accelerated simulation kernel for ultra-high vacuum with Nvidia RTX GPUs. Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Appl., 36(2):141--152, 2022. [ DOI | Abstract ]
[2] J. Bloch, A. Frommer, B. Lang, and T. Wettig. An iterative method to compute the sign function of a non-Hermitian matrix and its application to the overlap Dirac operator at nonzero chemical potential. Comput. Phys. Comm., 177(2):933--943, December 2007. [ DOI | Abstract ]
[3] Jacques Bloch, Tilo Wettig, Andreas Frommer, and Bruno Lang. An iterative method to compute the overlap Dirac operator at nonzero chemical potential. In Gunnar Bali et al., editors, Proc. Lattice 2007, XXVth Intl. Symp. Lattice Field Theory, July 30--August 4, 2007, Regensburg, Germany, Proceedings of Science, page 169, Trieste, Italy, 2007. SISSA. [ DOI | Abstract ]
[4] Ivo Kabadshow and Bruno Lang. Latency-optimized parallelization of the FMM near-field computations. In Yong Shi, Geert Dick van Albada, Jack Dongarra, and Peter M. A. Sloot, editors, Computational Science, Proc. ICCS 2007, 7th International Conference on Computational Science, May 27--30, 2007, Beijing, China, Part I, volume 4487 of LNCS, pages 716--722, Berlin, 2007. Springer-Verlag. [ DOI | Abstract ]
[5] Rainer Steiger, Christian H. Bischof, Bruno Lang, and Walter Thiel. Using automatic differentiation to compute derivatives of a quantum-chemical computer program. Future Gen. Comput. Syst., 21(8):1324--1332, October 2005. [ DOI | Abstract ]
[6] Jens Gräbel, Bruno Lang, and Peer Ueberholz. Performance optimization for the parallel Gauss-Seidel smoother. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 5(1):831--832, 2005. [ DOI | Abstract ]
[7] H. Martin Bücker, Bruno Lang, Hans-Joachim Pflug, and Andre Vehreschild. Threads in an undergraduate course: A Java example illuminating different multithreading approaches. In A. Laganà, M. L. Gavrilova, V. Kumar, Y. Mun, C. J. K. Tan, and O. Gervasi, editors, Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2004, Proc. Intl. Conf. Computational Science and its Applications, Assisi, Italy, May 14--17, 2004. Part II, number 3044 in LNCS, pages 882--891. Springer, Berlin, 2004. [ DOI | Abstract ]
[8] H. M. Bücker, B. Lang, and C. H. Bischof. Parallel programming in computational science: An introductory practical training course for computer science at Aachen University. Future Gen. Comput. Syst., 19(8):1309--1319, November 2003. [ DOI | Abstract ]
[9] H. Martin Bücker, Bruno Lang, Hans-Joachim Pflug, and Andreas Wolf. A hybrid MPI-OpenMP implementation of the conjugate gradient method in Java. In Dieter an Mey, editor, Proc. EWOMP '03, Fifth European Workshop on OpenMP, September 22-26, 2003, Aachen, Germany, pages 205--213, Aachen, Germany, 2003. Center for Computing and Communication, Aachen University. [ Abstract ]
[10] Christian H. Bischof, H. Martin Bücker, and Bruno Lang. Automatic differentiation for computational finance. In Erricos John Kontoghiorghes, Berç Rustem, and Stavros Siokos, editors, Computational Methods in Decision-Making, Economics and Finance Proc., Neuchâtel, August 16, 2000, chapter 15, pages 297--310. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2002. [ DOI | Abstract ]
[11] Christian Bischof, Martin Bücker, Bruno Lang, and Arno Rasch. Automatic differentiation of the FLUENT CFD program: Procedure and first results. Report RWTH-CS-SC-01-22, RWTH Aachen, Institute for Scientific Computing, 2001.
[12] Christian H. Bischof, H. Martin Bücker, Jörg Henrichs, and Bruno Lang. Hands-on training for undergraduates in high-performance computing using Java. In Tor Sørevik, Fredrik Manne, Randi Moe, and Assefaw Hadish Gebremedhin, editors, Applied Parallel Computing---New Paradigms for HPC in Industry and Academia, Proceedings 5th International Workshop, PARA 2000, Bergen, Norway, June 2000, volume 1947 of LNCS, pages 306--315, Berlin, 2001. Springer-Verlag. [ DOI | Abstract ]
[13] H. Martin Bücker, Bruno Lang, and Christian H. Bischof. Teaching different parallel programming paradigms using Java. In Proceedings of the Third Annual Workshop on Java for High-Performance Computing, Sorrento, Italy, June 17, 2001, pages 73--81, 2001. [ Abstract ]
[14] Bruno Lang. Direct solvers for symmetric eigenvalue problems. In Johannes Grotendorst, editor, Modern Methods and Algorithms of Quantum Chemistry, Jülich, February 21--25, 2000, Proceedings, 2nd Edition, pages 231--259, Jülich, 2000. John von Neumann Institute for Computing. [ Abstract ]
[15] Christian H. Bischof, H. Martin Bücker, Jörg Henrichs, and Bruno Lang. Software-Praktikum Paralleles Programmieren mit Java. Report RWTH-CS-SC-00-13, RWTH Aachen, Institute for Scientific Computing, 2000. [ Abstract ]
[16] Rudolf Berrendorf, Christian Bischof, Holger Brunst, Martin Bücker, Ulrich Detert, Rüdiger Esser, Michael Gerndt, Johannes Grotendorst, Inge Gutheil, Hans-Christian Hoppe, Friedel Hoßfeld, Bernd Körfgen, Bruno Lang, Dieter an Mey, Bernd Mohr, Wolfgang E. Nagel, Karl Solchenbach, Godehard Sutmann, Valentina Tikko, and Lothar Wollschläger. Gekoppelte SMP-Systeme im wissenschaftlich-technischen Hochleistungsrechnen --- Status und Entwicklungsbedarf (GoSMP). Analyse im Auftrag des BMBF, Zentralinstitut für Angewandte Mathematik, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany, December 1999. [ Abstract ]
[17] Bruno Lang. Matrix vector multiplication for symmetric matrices on parallel computers and applications. Z. angew. Math. Mech., 71(6):T807--T808, 1991. [ DOI | Abstract ]
[18] Stephan Abramowski, Bruno Lang, and Heinrich Müller. Moving regular k-gons in contact. In J. van Leeuwen, editor, Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, International Workshop WG '88 Proceedings, Amsterdam, June 15--17, 1988, volume 344 of LNCS, pages 229--242, Berlin, 1989. Springer-Verlag. [ DOI | Abstract ]

See also

the other projects involving result-verifying techniques on the Research page

University of Wuppertal
School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Department of Mathematics and Informatics
Applied Computer Science Group

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